Software Developer

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Bola Mileage Tracker - IOS App

First IOS app, built while learning swift. Integrated third party library charts through swift package manager, utilizes mapkit along side corelocation for background location tracking.


  • Swift
  • SwiftUI
  • Core Location
  • MapKit
  • CoreData
  • Charts
  • IOS Native
  • StoreKit
  • Ads

Quick Mental Math - IOS App

Built using swift with swiftUI. Integrated ads using swift package manager, CoreData


  • Push Notification
  • Firebase remote notification
  • Swift
  • SwiftUI
  • CoreData
  • IOS Native
  • Ads

Canswap - Web App

A FullStack Web App where I used ReactJS for frontend and ExpressJS Along with MySQL for backend.


  • ReactJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MySQL
  • NodeJS
  • Redis
  • PuppeteerJS
  • AWS S3
  • AWS Lambda
  • Nginx
  • Bootstrap

NYT Article Searcher - Web App

ReactJS application in which integrates NYT public API by displaying most popular news.


  • Trending News
  • Article Searches
  • Search Filtering
  • Saving Articles
  • Pagination


I'm a software developer currently located western Canada. I have worked with variety of technologies in the past such as ReactJS, NodeJS, MySQL, Kotlin, Java, Swift. I'm capable of working with frontend technologies or backend. I enjoy learning new ways of solving problems and implementing ideas through new Technologies or tools. Currently I've been focusing more towards Mobile development. I'm open for new opertunities and challenges in where I can contribute, learn, and improve. I'm comfortable working with variety of technologies, anything from a cms website to full on dynamic web/mobile applications. The best way to reach me is either through the contact form below or through linkedIn.

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